So Chris's Uncle just sent him a message that I need to share:
"Hi Chris - This is your uncle down in Portland, Oregon. I like Tiffany's project in Kenya. Gracie and I would like to encourage all to give to this great endeavor. We'll match dollar for dollar all the recycling money she can raise in the next 30 days! Let's make a difference!"
You guys!!! This is amazing!! Please help this fantastic cause by giving me your recycling and encourage your friends to do the same! What a fantastic opportunity you guys. WE HAVE UNTIL MARCH 20TH!!!!!! Anyone who would like to help me put together a bottle drive (or more than one) is also welcome to contact me, I might not be able to do this all on my own! Thanks guys, LET"S MAKE THIS COUNT!!
Ha, ha! Saving cans for your cause Tiffany, but don't worry you don't have to come for them, we'll just turn the depo$it$ over to you. Since there's only 3 of us now it won't generate much, so I thought I could do a little more. Nothing would make me happier than to donate my 'recycled' card sale profits toward your uncle's gifted target date. You may ask $2 donation per card/ $10 donation for 6. Anyone who wants to multiply that help are invited here to help them get made, or may purchase kits $1 per card/ $5 for 6 to take home for their own use. All proceeds by March 19th are yours for your friends in Kenya. Call me 403-254-5951. Love you!