All Photos by Tiffany Beazely

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Another Miracle!

So Chris's Uncle just sent him a message that I need to share:

"Hi Chris - This is your uncle down in Portland, Oregon. I like Tiffany's project in Kenya. Gracie and I would like to encourage all to give to this great endeavor. We'll match dollar for dollar all the recycling money she can raise in the next 30 days! Let's make a difference!"

You guys!!!  This is amazing!!  Please help this fantastic cause by giving me your recycling and encourage your friends to do the same!  What a fantastic opportunity you guys.  WE HAVE UNTIL MARCH 20TH!!!!!!  Anyone who would like to help me put together a bottle drive (or more than one) is also welcome to contact me, I might not be able to do this all on my own!  Thanks guys, LET"S MAKE THIS COUNT!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha! Saving cans for your cause Tiffany, but don't worry you don't have to come for them, we'll just turn the depo$it$ over to you. Since there's only 3 of us now it won't generate much, so I thought I could do a little more. Nothing would make me happier than to donate my 'recycled' card sale profits toward your uncle's gifted target date. You may ask $2 donation per card/ $10 donation for 6. Anyone who wants to multiply that help are invited here to help them get made, or may purchase kits $1 per card/ $5 for 6 to take home for their own use. All proceeds by March 19th are yours for your friends in Kenya. Call me 403-254-5951. Love you!
