All Photos by Tiffany Beazely

Friday, February 11, 2011

Here we go!

Hey guys!
So after returning from a volunteering trip to Kenya last summer, I have struggled to come up with a world changing idea to make a difference in the lives of the people I visited.  After much thought and stressing, I have NOT come up with anything world changing (surprise, surprise) but have settled on what little I can do at the moment.  I started collecting my cans, milk bottles etc. to take to the bottle depot, rather than just putting them into recycling.  Not a new idea by any means, but it's something easy, that will get me doing something, rather than waiting for the big idea to come, and doing nothing in the mean time.  Because let's be honest... I could be waiting a long time!
So today I took my bin of collectables to the bottle depot and ended up with a whopping $8.65! "WWWOW!" you say very sarchastically.  Don't worry, so do I.  So maybe I need to step this up a bit. 
I've decided to offer to collect your money-worthy recyclables.  I will drop off a bin, and collect it's contents once a week.  Probably on Fridays.  So, if you live in the Okotoks area, and are willing to let me steal your cans etc., for a great cause, let me know@

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tiffany - I think you have a great plan to start your project. Richard and I will give you our cans, milk containers, etc for you to take to the bottle return. Good luck my girl. Love to you all, Aunty Jo
