All Photos by Tiffany Beazely

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Water Tank Project Photos!!!

Hey Guys!  Here are some photos from the water tank project!  Finally!!! 

This is Selena's village in Karen, Kenya.  The people that live here are squatters that have been allowed to live on private land.  They came to this area about 9 years ago, being forced by drought to find new grazing area for their herds.  Because of the fact that they do not own this land, we had to come up with a water solution that did not include any permanent structures, so that if they are ever forced off the land, they could take everything with them. Hence, the water tank.
 A platform needed to be built to properly support the 5000 litre water tank (essentially a giant rain barrel). 

Izzo, from Marafiki Community (above in the Plaid fedora) ran the project for me.  He brought in volunteers and hired locals to build the platform and put the project together.
I loved seeing these pictures.  I love seeing the village members come out to be a part of the project, and seeing the excitement in the people's eyes.
 Putting in the footings for the platform.

 I love seeing the villagers getting involved, working with the volunteers.  It's impressive each time I see them wanting to help, doing what they can to improve the quality of life for their friends and family.  There's something amazing about seeing people who need so much, giving everything they can to help each other.
The water tank!  There was an existing church building in the village, so an eaves trough system was created to direct rain water into the tank.  There are two main rainy seasons in Kenya; a short one in November and a longer one from about March to May.  Rain collection is a very common practise, as the water stored during the rainy seasons can be used during the rest of the year.  Ideally, we would have more than just the one tank, but that will come in time.  The platform could easily handle another tank, so hopefully sooner than later. 
I'm not 100% sure, but I am guessing that these are the elders of the village at the end of the project.  From the reports from Lucy (Selena's daughter), the people in the village are very happy with the project, and seeing the pictures for myself...I am happy with it too.  I can't wait to go back, and visit with these people and be in the village again.  Thank-you so much to all of you who helped to make this project possible!  It definitely could not have happened without all of you!  Please know that you are making a real difference in these people's lives.  Such small acts like yours, really do make a huge difference for these people.  I'm so grateful to all of you, and I can't wait to get started on the next one!  Make sure to check out my earlier post, "The Poultry Project and the Inadequacies of Canada Post" to learn about the new project.  Let's keep this going guys!

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